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Pink Fruit Cereal

Pink Fruit Cereal - Quirky Cooking

Raw fruit ‘cereals’ are great for cutting down on grains in your diet, and are very quick and easy to make – perfect for a quick breakfast. And fruit is the perfect breakfast food, as it should really should be eaten on an empty stomach, so it can cleanse and energise your body and get everything moving. The nuts are an important addition as you should always have some protein for breakfast as well – it wakes you up, and keeps your blood sugar levels from dropping too quickly. (If you can’t have nuts, add in some seeds instead.)

If you find fruit for breakfast doesn’t fill you up enough, at least try and have some fruit before you have your toast and eggs, or whatever you like to eat for breaky. You can use any fruits really, with or without nuts, and add in some seeds and coconut if you like. The blueberries in this one make it a lovely pink colour.  (Should really be blue, don’t you think?!)  

This is a great winter breakfast when there’s not a lot of different types of fruit around. I also love this one for snacks, when I’m feeling the need for something sweet – it has no added sweeteners, just the fruit, so it’s a healthy substitute for cake or bikkies!

Pink Fruit Cereal - Quirky Cooking
Pink Fruit Cereal
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  1. 3 apples, quartered (peeled if not organic)
  2. 1 or 2 bananas, quartered
  3. a handful or two of frozen blueberries
  4. a handful of sultanas
  5. a large handful of pecans
  6. a handful of shredded coconut
  7. a drizzle of vanilla bean paste (or vanilla extract)
  1. Place all the ingredients in the Thermomix bowl, and pulse 3 or 4 times with the Turbo button (with lid in locked position) until it reaches the desired texture.
Quirky Cooking https://quirkycooking.com.au/

(If you want the bananas to be in nice little pieces, chop them by hand and stir them in at the end.  I can’t be bothered in the morning!)


10 thoughts on “Pink Fruit Cereal

  1. Jo Whitton says:

    Glad you liked it Belinda 🙂 We had it for lunch yesterday 😀 (Then we decided we were still hungry, so we made pizza bread with avocado topping – lol!)

    Our mornings have cooled off again too – but I’m sure it’s not as cold here as in Tassie, Chelsea! 🙂

  2. Rachel says:

    We ate it for breakfast this morning! Its been great to meet you and actually try your recipes with “Thermie” as the family calls him!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Hi, sounds delicious. Do you think pears would be a suitable substitute for the bananas? Organic bananas are $17/kilo if available, local organic pears are $5/kilo! Thanks

  4. Jo Whitton says:

    I’m sure pears would be fine – I vary it all over the place, depending what I have. Yes, bananas can be quite expensive sometimes! I got given some lovely ‘backyard bananas’ the other day – aren’t I lucky! 😀

  5. keystone says:

    I’m going to try this for breakfast and add in some organic rolled oats and chia seeds and maybe a sprinkle of cinnamon because I love cinnamon.

  6. AliciaJane says:

    Would this keep well if it was made the night before to take to work for breakfast the following day?

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