
Does the Thermomix Cook Enough for Large Families?

A lot of people with big families think the Thermomix would be no good for them because ‘it just wouldn’t make enough for us.’  After having a Thermomix for over 6 1/2 years, and cooking for our family of six (plus many extra kids and visitors), and also cooking at youth camps and other functions, I must say I think EVERY big family needs a Thermomix!! It just makes food preparation so much quicker and easier, no matter how many you’re cooking for, and you really can pump out a lot of food, quickly, with a Thermomix in your kitchen! (Why do you think chefs love the Thermomix so much?!)

Cooking for family and friends is so much easier with the Thermomix!

To show you how the Thermomix can make life easier for large families, here’s a letter and some photos from some good friends of mine with a very large family, who just received their new Thermomix two days ago. I’ve been getting lots of excited text messages from them telling me what they’re making, and I just had to share their excitement with you all! Giselle and Troy have nine children (including a couple with food allergies) and a baby on the way, (due at any minute!), plus a constant flow of visitors coming and going… You’ll be amazed when you see the amount of food Troy’s been making in his first two days – obviously they’re totally addicted!!

“Chef Remmi” (Troy) cooking up a storm!
Giselle says: 

Day Number One: ‘Chef Remmi’ (Dear Hubby Troy) made for his first dish a pineapple-lime-banana-coconut sorbet! It made a few funny noises but I think he’s getting the hang of it now. He is certainly in his element with his new little baby… He also made 2 litres of rice-almond milk, Nutella, raw cacao date & almond balls, tzatziki dip, gluten free pizza bases (plain), berry sorbet, nacho sauce, and beetroot saladHe went to bed pretty tired as you can imagine.

Day Number Two: Today was a busy day (as usual) at the Dunstan household. Only one day to go ’til baby no.10 is due! Counting the visitors, there were 7 adults and 21 kids here for lunch (almost 22 kids mind you with the baby due any minute)… So just as well for the Thermomix – we were able to cook up a quick storm!

‘Chef Remmi’ made us gluten free pizza bases with toppings, beetroot salad, coleslawbread rolls, vanilla yoghurt berry sorbet, and flourless nut cake for lunch, as well as a couple more batches of rice-almond milk. Then this afternoon he made a red Thai curry paste, then a red Thai prawn curry for dinner. We ‘only’ had 4 adults and 14 kids here for dinner (see photo above). Troy made two batches of the curry (took 20 minutes per batch), keeping them warm in the Thermoservers, plus he made rice on the stove. (We are thankful to have more than one Thermoserver – thanks to February’s great deal of two food warmers with the Thermomix!!) The curry was as good as the one we get at our favourite restaurant, Hans Cafe – the flavour was awesome! Now we’re all sitting down with a nice, cup of cashew, honey and coconut milk, made in the Thermomix – of course! Oh, and some creme patisserie, and another batch of rice-almond milk is going in…

Red Thai Prawn Curry, adapted from a recipe in the Everyday Cookbook

I think with his zeal and passion, Troy had better become a Thermomix demonstrator and start making some money out of it at the same time!

I agree, Giselle – sounds like a Thermomix consultant in the making!! 😀
So there you are – if you have a large family, think of all the things you could be cooking with your Thermomix to keep all those hungry tummies full and happy 🙂 HOORAY for Thermomix – what did we ever do without you??!!

UPDATE!! The new baby has arrived – It’s a GIRL! The score is now 5 all! (5 girls, 5 boys)… And ‘Chef Remmie’ has become a Thermomix consultant! Woo hoo!!

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For more ideas of what you can use the Thermomix for when catering for large groups, check out my post about cooking for a youth camp! (Scroll down to the bottom of the page for a list of things I use Thermy for when cooking for large groups.)  Also, Madame Thermomix has posted some more great ideas for cooking for large groups of people with the Thermomix on her blog, ‘Why is There Air’.
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P.S. If you’d like to see a Thermomix cooking demonstration in the comfort of your own home, please let me know and I can help you find a consultant in your area. 🙂

16 thoughts on “Does the Thermomix Cook Enough for Large Families?

  1. Anonymous says:

    Thanks Jo I am awaiting delivery of my Thermomix and have been worrying that it won’t be big enough for our family of 8 (and any more that we are blessed with)

  2. Madame Thermomix says:

    Jo, you’re an angel! I have too many potential customers with large families who have the same attitude and I will refer them to this brilliant blog post. Many thanks and best of luck to Giselle and Tony – and baby number 10!!

  3. Kathieunder100 says:

    It is soooo funny you should post this as I’ve been having ongoing conversations with my sister as to whether a tm would be big enough for our family of 6! Decisions! Decisions!

  4. Jo Whitton says:

    It’s such an amazing time saver, Kathie! We have 6 in our family, and it feeds all of us no problem. If I want to make a meal for more people, I just make a double batch, it’s still quick. I do sauces, salads, breads, dips, desserts, soup, etc in the Thermomix. If I want to make a really big pot on the stove, I chop the veges, mince the meat, mince garlic & ginger, make white sauce etc in the Thermomix first… cuts down on prep time heaps!!

  5. Kathieunder100 says:

    How big is the bowl that you generally use on the tm? And, is it easy to clean? I know it may seem strange that I follow your blog without a tm, but I do actually enjoy your recipes and make a fair few (without the tm of course).

  6. Jo Whitton says:

    The bowl (jug) is a bit over 2 litres, and it’s very wide and easy to get food out of, not like a blender bowl! There’s also the steamer that sits on top which holds A LOT!!!

    It pretty much cleans itself – you put water in to cover the blades and whizz it up, rinse and give a quick brush out with the Thermomix brush, and that’s it! It can even dry itself with a tea towel inside the jug, and the blades turning on reverse!! 😀

    You’d be best off seeing a demonstration before you decide whether or not to buy one – let me know if you want to see one and I’ll get someone in your area to contact you. 🙂

  7. ThermomixBlogger Helene says:

    Lovely to see the Thermomix keeping busy in the midst of a busy active loving family. Those lucky children appear to be already quite keen and will likely grow up to be Thermomix-loving foodies too! I look forward to the update… ten children means the Thermomix is cooking for (at least) 12 everyday… wow!

  8. Jo Whitton says:

    Yes, those kids already ARE foodies – they get some great meals!! I told them they need to start their own blog – an online diary of what they use their Thermomix for each day, that other large families can be inspired by! They said they just might do that! 😀

  9. Mandy says:

    Thank you so much for this post. You have convinced me that my family needs this. My husband and I have 9 children and I love to cook for them but it can be an all day process. I’m having my Thermomix demo tomorrow and I’m so excited and can not wait to order one of these amazing machines. 🙂

  10. angathome says:

    I can find a lot of info on the theory of how thermomix will cook for a large family but no actual recipes. e.g. This morning we are trying scrambled eggs in the varoma – all the recipes are for 3 or 4 eggs so no info on how long 12 will take! It’s been going for ages with almost no change. 40 minutes so far and a very soft scramble starting to develop. Can you recommend a blog that actually gives times, recipes for larger batches in one go – not just batching small amounts over and over. We are about to cross another recipe off the list as just not worth doing in the thermy – 5 minutes in a large frying pan!

  11. Jo Whitton says:

    Hi Ang, I have lots of ‘large amounts’ recipes on my blog – but I must admit, I don’t scramble eggs in the Varoma for breakfast. I do make omelettes with about 4-5 eggs in there while cooking rice and veges for Fried Rice (see blog) but if I’m cooking 12 eggs I do that in the frying pan. I boil quite a few eggs at once in the basket though, that’s easy, and they don’t break.

    Try my Fried Rice, Paprika Chicken, Sesame Salmon with Creamy Tikka Sauce, Vietnamese Fish Curry with Sticky Rice, Bolognese Sauce (make lasagne with it, or serve with pasta cooked on the stove)… there’s lots you can try. If you go onto my Quirky Cooking Chat Group on FB you can ask there for links to large family recipes and you’ll get heaps. 🙂

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