100g coconut sugar (or Rapadura/Panela)
200g tapioca starch
200g blanched almond meal (see variations for nut free)
1/4 tsp salt
2 rounded Tbsp Quirky Cooking Gingerbread Spice Blend, OR
1 Tbsp ground ginger
2 tsp ground cinnamon
3/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp ground cardamom
1/4 tsp ground cloves
Zest of 1 orange
pinch of ground black pepper
1/4 tsp vanilla powder or 1 tsp extract/paste
200g cold, unsalted butter, cut into cubes (see variations for dairy free)
2 Tbsp molasses (optional, for a richer, deeper flavor)
Optional extras:
100g currants
100g unsalted pistachios, roughly chopped
Mill the sugar in a Thermomix (30 sec/sp 10) or in a blender on top speed, until finely ground.
Mix together sugar, tapioca, almond meal, salt and spices (and zest) in Thermomix (10 sec/sp 6), or process in a food processor.
Add butter and molasses (if using) and mix in Thermomix (20 sec/sp 5), or in a food processor, until a smooth dough is formed.
If desired, mix through currants (rev/sp 3 in Thermomix).
Divide dough into two balls and roll out between sheets of baking paper to about ¾ cm (7mm) thick. Place into the freezer to chill for 20 mins or until firm.
* At this stage, you can freeze the dough to use another day. I like to roll it into two cylinders, wrap tightly in baking paper and freeze, then if I’m in a hurry to make some biscuits I can just slice into circles, place onto lined trays and pop into the oven. OR if you will be making cut-out biscuits, flatten dough into discs, wrap well and freeze until needed.
To make biscuits:
To make shortbread in a tray: