The Gut Health Formula

A group-coaching program to support you on your journey to better gut health
8 weeks live support, 12 months access!

Next Intake TBA - Register your interest below!

Are you feeling like your gut health isn’t optimal, but you don’t really know where to start to improve it?

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by your health issues, confused about what to eat, and worried about how you (and your family) will cope with diet changes?

Do you want to learn a more balanced approach to healthy eating and living, building healthy habits into your life with small, doable steps?

"The Gut Health Formula"
with Jo Whitton & Elyse Comerford

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You may be thinking, “How do I even know if I have gut health issues??”

There are several red flags that indicate poor gut health. Here are some common ones to be aware of:

  • Digestive Issues: bloating, gas, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea
  • Food Intolerances: especially if you’re tolerating less foods than you used to
  • Chronic Fatigue: feeling tired or regularly feeling low in energy, even with hours of sleep at night
  • Mood Disorders: anxiety, depression, mood swings 
  • Skin Problems: acne, eczema, psoriasis,  rosacea
  • Weakened Immune System: frequent infections & illnesses
  • Autoimmune Conditions: rheumatoid arthritis, celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, Hashimotos

Watch this video to learn more about Gut Health Red Flags.

So how did we as a society become so prone to symptoms of poor gut health?

Gut health can become compromised for several reasons. Here’s a few that are very common in our modern society:

  • Highly processed foods: The typical Western diet is high in processed foods, refined sugars, and unhealthy fats. These dietary choices can disrupt the balance of bacteria in the gut, leading to a decrease in beneficial microbes and an overgrowth of harmful ones.
  • Antibiotics: The overuse of antibiotics in both medicine and agriculture significantly affects gut health. While antibiotics are essential for treating bacterial infections, they can also kill off beneficial gut bacteria, resulting in an imbalance. This imbalance, known as dysbiosis, can have a negative impact on gut health.
  • Stress: The fast-paced, high-stress lifestyle most people live in modern societies can disrupt the delicate balance of the gut. Stress, anxiety and poor sleep quality trigger the release of hormones that can affect gut motility, digestion, and the composition of gut bacteria.
  • Toxins: Environmental factors such as pollution, toxins (including mould), poor air quality in our homes and offices, and exposure to chemicals in our food and water supply can have detrimental effects on gut health. These substances can damage the intestinal lining and disrupt the gut microbiota.
  • Sedentary lifestyle: A lack of physical activity and sedentary lifestyle habits also contributes to poor gut health. Regular exercise has been shown to promote a diverse gut microbiome and improve digestion.

These are just a few diet and lifestyle factors that will contribute to a decline in gut health.

How can we help?

Jo Whitton & Elyse Comerford, The Gut Health Formula

Between us, Elyse Comerford and I have helped thousands of people improve their gut health.

For many years we have been guiding and supporting families to make healthier diet and lifestyle choices and have developed what we (and the families we work with) consider THE most balanced approach you can take for the health of your family, using principles of gut healing in a way that isn’t overwhelming or stressful. 

  • It’s not about following the latest fad diet or hardcore cleanses
  • It’s not about spending thousands of dollars on testing and supplements
  • It’s not about getting so caught up in ‘diet perfection’ that your life and relationships suffer
  • It IS about understanding the ‘big picture’, where nutrition is just one component of the whole and the objective is not to pursue perfection, but rather to optimize health and longevity for yourself and your family.

The ultimate goal is to become the healthiest, happiest, and most vibrant individual you can possibly be. Isn’t that what we all strive for?

"I just want to say a huge heartfelt thank you to Jo & Elyse. I started this course wanting to speed through, but the pace, the content, the community has been amazing. I don’t quite have the words to express my gratitude. I feel so empowered to help my awesome 11 year old and my family. Thank you so much for all you put into this incredible course."

"Thank you for the "ease in" approach. It really takes the stress off when you're trying to implement new things. Working on stocks this week, slowly. The new habits, simplifying, de-stressing, can't happen in a day, but by taking the whole approach one step at a time I am finding it doable and not so demoralizing when I don't get it right! I'm so looking forward to upcoming weeks (especially healthy snacks...eating unhealthy treats has been my go-to response to pressure for far too long!), but I'm wanting to make the right changes and not rush, so THANKS!"

You can do it without the stress and overwhelm!!

  • We help you build the right foundations for health, including a healthy mindset around diet and how it fits into the bigger picture of your life. (We believe this is a key element that many people miss!)
  • We show you how to ‘ease in’ to diet and lifestyle changes gradually, taking small steps towards beneficial habits that will have a HUGE impact on your health.
  • We guide you through the ‘information overload’ so you understand what healthy eating really is, and how to focus on the changes that are most important for your unique family.
  • We teach you to cook healing, nourishing meals in live, online classes where you can ask questions while you cook along.
  • Our health practitioners and cooking experts will guide and support you through actionable steps that you can start taking right now to change your life!

Register your interest for the next intake:

About The Gut Health Formula

This program is helpful for both beginners to gut health, and those who have been on the journey for a while but would love some support from practitioners and healthy cooking experts.

We offer a gentle, sustainable approach to health which includes reducing food and lifestyle stress, working out health priorities, learning to organise and plan ahead so that healthy choices are easier to make, and slowly adjusting the diet to include more nutritious, healing foods.

During the eight weeks, you will work towards a diet similar to the Full GAPS diet, using the gut-healing principles from this protocol in a flexible way that suits YOU.

Our coaching program is like a health retreat you can do at home… Slow down, learn to reduce stress, hang out with likeminded people, nourish yourself with delicious, healing foods, and build the foundations of good health one step at a time.

What Does It Include?

  • 8 week coaching program delivered live, with unlimited support!
  • An experienced team of gut-health practitioners, naturopaths, nutritionists, health coaches & cooking experts on hand to mentor you for 8 weeks
  • Weekly live classes – ask questions, cook together, learn in real time… or post your questions in the program or chat group then watch the replay in your own time – we will answer your questions during the live video
  • 12 months access to program materials, plus download & save to keep for future reference
  • Videos, ebooks, workbooks, recipes & cooking classes – watch, learn, ask, practice
  • A gentle, step-by-step approach to improving your health – there’s no rush, work through the content at your own pace

We aim to keep stress levels low & support levels high!

Jo Whitton, Quirky Cooking

Topics We Will Cover

  • Understanding health, the purpose/goal for you and your family.
  • Taking a balanced approach, not sacrificing your health in order to be healthy!
  • The simple approach to cooking for your family- bulk cooking, meal planning, shopping, food prep- all of our best hacks.
  • Dealing with fussy eaters– we have seen them all!
  • Understanding the role of stress and the steps you can take- this is one of the most powerful things you will do for your health.
  • Histamine, metals, parasites, MTHFR– if and when you have to think about these (hint: probably not now, there are other things to focus on first)
  • The healing foods – including tons of recipes, cooking videos & live online cooking classes with Jo!
  • holistic look at all aspects of your health and how to devise a plan that takes it all in to account – without the stress and overwhelm.
  • What ‘healing’ looks like on a day to day basis – you can’t do it all, every single day!
  • Slowing things down and creating a plan for your family that is sustainable and brings you joy, not meltdowns! 
The Gut Health Formula, Week 1
The Gut Health Formula, Week 2
The Gut Health Formula, Week 3
The Gut Health Formula, Week 4


  • Understand the vital foundations for building a healthy approach to gut health – this is what we wish we knew before we started our health journey!
  • Build the foundations based on YOUR health priorities so you can build a sustainable approach that will work for your family using our worksheets and formula
  • Understand how stress fits into the picture, and how every step we take with our health is focusses on reducing one of the forms of stress
  • We will let you in on our morning routines and stress reducing tips that are absolute game changers when it comes to taking the first steps
  • You will finish Week 1 with a great foundation in place to start transforming your health with an approach that is based on your family, and your goals.


Learn the importance of gut health in a simple and easy to understand way, this is usually the ‘aha’ moment for people- it just makes so much sense! 

Build the confidence and clarity to take the first step in healing your gut in a way that is not overwhelming- understanding the WHY is so important! 

• Focus on the first and most important step to healing the gut– meat stocks! 

Learn how to make meat stocks – watch the videos and follow the recipe eBooks

Crack the code for fussy eaters! Learn our method for introducing foods to even THE MOST fussiest of eaters. We have used this method over and over again with fantastic success! 

• You will finish Week 2 with a good foundational understanding of gut health and how it is playing a role in the health of your family, and how to take make nutrient dense gut healing meat stock the right way!


Understand how stress effects the brain and impacts on how our genes are expressing. This is such a vital factor in health that goes far beyond nutrition.

• Learn how stress is ageing us and making us sicker– changing this is even easier then changing your diet! 

Understand how adrenal fatigue develops, and how to start turning the freight train around to get it heading in the right direction.

Learn how to reduce the food stress- how to shop, bulk buy, time saving tips, bulk cooking, meal planning and simple cooking.

• Get access to Jo’s ‘Healthy Eating Made Simple’ eBook

• You will finish Week 3 with a great understanding of stress and how it is THE MOST IMPORTANT factor when it comes to health.


Start with a focus on breakfast, where we will share with you all of our breakfast tips and tricks to get the best start for the day, and what nutrients to include in a healthy breakfast 

• Get access to our ‘Boosting Breakfast’ eBook

Learn WHY it is so important to take a step-by-step approach, and how so many people make the big mistake of ‘rocking the boat’ too much when it comes to their health- and wind up doing more damage

• Use our meal plan template to start planning out your nutrient dense gut healing breakfasts 

• You will finish Week 4 with some fantastic boosting breakfast knowledge and a comfortable step-by-step approach for your family that will really work. 

The Gut Health Formula, Week 5
The Gut Health Formula, Week 6
The Gut Health Formula, Week 7
The Gut Health Formula, Week 1


Learn all of our do’s and don’ts when it comes to fermenting foods 

Watch videos which take you through the process step-by-step

Access our fantastic fermented food eBook with troubleshooting tips and advice

• Understand why fermented foods play such an important role in gut health

Learn how to introduce fermented foods in the right way for all of the family 

Learn simple easy ferments – not just sauerkraut! Also we tell you what to do if you are not ready to make your own! 

• You will finish Week 5 feeling confident to bring in the next most important gut healing food for your family. 


The next step- yummy snacks and treats! Show your friends and family that gut health is not boring! 

Watch some great videos of Jo making some of our snack recipes and see how simple and easy they are. 

Get access to our ‘Healthy Snacks’ recipe eBook…..everyone’s favourite in the program! (Yes there is chocolate!!)

Revisit your health priorities from Week 1 – these are the blueprint to follow on your health journey that keep your goals clear and achievable. 

• You will finish Week 6 with some yummy healthy treats up your sleeve that will impress the whole family to add to the steps you have already taken so far in the program.


Dive deeper into health and gain an understanding of complex health issues and how best to approach them. 

Understand why ‘detoxes’ and ‘cleanses’ could be making you sicker

Learn the most important healing foods, how they are beneficial, and how to include them in your diet. 

Start focussing on gut healing lunches and dinners, while keeping it simple and delicious! 

• Access our ‘Healthy Lunch and Dinners’ eBook

• You will finish Week 7 with an understanding of what approach you are taking for your specific health issues, and a focus on lunch and dinner (to add to your fantastic meat stocks, fermented foods, breakfasts and healthy snacks!) 


For the final week we will focus on bringing it all together- how your gut healing diet will look moving forward, and what it is that you are aiming for 

How to find balance and mental flexibility whilst also prioritising on your health 

What the bigger picture of a gut healing diet looks like, and what the next steps are for you and your family.

How to meal plan, cook simply, and fit it all in to your daily life.

Building a sustainable mindset and approach to your health

Stories from others who have healed chronic health conditions 

• You will finish Week 8 with your Gut Health Formula in place. Understanding how the whole picture fits together for you and your family, so these become sustainable changes that transform your health. 

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