A Quirky Cooking Chats Podcast with Jo Whitton.
Thinking about homeschooling but not sure you’ll cope? Wondering how other homeschooling parents organise their day and how to get started?
Get a glimpse of what homeschooling ‘really’ looks like in this fun and encouraging chat with Joanne Bennet of Aussie Homeschool Adventures.
Joanne and I are keeping it real in this podcast, so join us for a chat about:
- Why we chose to homeschool
- Raising socially well-adjusted kids
- How to do it all (Hint: we don’t!)
- What a usual school day looks like, and how it changes as the kids grow older
- Homeschooling options
- Private or government schools and Home Education Units
- How to choose curriculums, what we have used, and good resources for school books
- What to do when the kids won’t listen or are having a bad day
- Transitioning from school to homeschooling (‘deschooling’)
- Preparing your homeschooled children for university
- Teaching kids a love of learning
- The importance of relationship building for a successful homeschool journey
- Teaching kids to be of service in their community
- What Jo’s adult kids are doing now
Wondering what Joanne’s kids think of homeschooling?
Watch this interview with Joanne’s girls on homeschooling here!
- Follow Joanne on Instagram @aussiehomeschooladventures and YouTube – Aussie Home School Adventures
- Watch “A day in the life of an Aussie homeschooling mum!” by Joanne
- Joanne recommends “Hassle-Free Curriculum” for Australian curriculum
Want to know more about how I homeschooled my four kids? Listen to this podcast from 2015, when I was still in the midst of the homeschool years. 🙂
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