Today I decided to experiment with a grain free recipe for the steamed lemon and coconut puddings we make at the Thermomix Varoma demos. My daughter absolutely loves those puddings, but she reacts to gluten (and I think grains), and isn’t supposed to have all that sugar. There is a grain free version of the puddings on the Varoma recipe cards, but I find that recipe a bit heavy – I wanted them to be lighter, and also dairy free and more naturally sweetened. I was really happy with the result of my experimenting! Anyway, I think I’d better not chit chat too much here and just hurry up and post the recipe… seems like there’s a few people on Facebook who want it NOW!! Lol 😀 So here it is…

Almond, Lemon & Coconut Steamed Puddings {grain free, dairy free}
2014-07-07 01:58:27

- zest of one lemon
- 100g blanched almonds*
- 40g coconut flour** (not dessicated coconut ground up, it's too oily)
- 40g Rapadura
- 1/2 tsp green stevia powder (or white stevia if that's all you have)
- 100g macadamia oil
- 2 yolks + 2 eggs (save the whites for fruity dream or sorbet)
- 180g coconut milk**
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 50g Rapadura
- 50g pure maple syrup
- 50g fresh lemon juice (approx. 1 lemon)
- Peel the lemon zest into the Thermomix bowl with a potato peeler
- Add almonds, coconut flour, rapadura, stevia powder and blend for 10 seconds on speed 10
- Add macadamia oil, 2 yolks + 2 eggs, coconut milk, baking powder, and mix for another 6 seconds on speed 5
- Pour batter into silicon cupcake cups (or greased ramekins) and place in two layers in the Varoma trays. (No need to grease silicon cupcake cups.) Rinse out the Thermomix bowl and fill to just above the blades with water (just cool tap water), and place on base with lid on. Place the Varoma on top and cook the puddings for 20 minutes at Varoma temp, speed 2.
- Set the puddings aside. Tip the water out of the bowl and place back on the base.
- Weigh into bowl Rapadura, maple syrup, fresh lemon juice and cook for 2 minutes at 100C, speed 2. Meanwhile, turn puddings out of silicon cupcake cups (or ramekins) onto plates. They come out easiest while warm.
- Drizzle puddings with a little syrup, top with a raspberry (or some fruity dream), and serve.
Quirky Cooking https://quirkycooking.com.au/

(Tip: When you lift the lid off the Varoma at the end of the cooking time,
tilt it back so the steam escapes away from you, and the condensation
on the lid drips down into the vent on the side of the Varoma dish,
and not onto the puddings! Soggy puddings are not so nice.)

* To blanch your own almonds, weigh raw almonds into a bowl, pour boiling water over and leave for about 10 minutes, then the skins will pop off when you ‘pinch’ them between your fingers. Spread on a tea towel to dry out before grinding.
** If you want to make your own coconut flour, you need to first grind up 100g of dried shredded (or dessicated) coconut, add 300g water, cook for 10 mins at 100C speed 2, then blend for 1 minute on speed 9. Then squeeze through a nut milk bag (when cool enough) until you’ve got as much moisture out of the coconut as possible. (Use the coconut milk to make the puddings, or in curries.) Spread the coconut out on a dehydrator tray and dry for a few hours until there’s no moisture left at all, then grind it up in the Thermomix. If you’d rather the easy option of buying coconut flour, you can get it at health food stores or online. (You can buy it here.) It seems expensive, but you really don’t need much to make a cake, so a 500g bag lasts for ages.
Can the Rapadura be substituted for anything or committed?
Yes, you can change it to coconut sugar, or maybe some honey (halve it), and you can reduce it to taste. 🙂
Hi Jo,
Would I be able to sub something else for the macadamia oil (I find it difficult to source). I currently have Extra Virgin Olive Oil (not sure how that would taste) and also Coconut Oil.
Yummm, I’d love to cook these for our tour groups. How many did you make from the above recipe?
Just wondering what the significance of the stevia powder is ? Can I use an alternative and if so, what is suitable please. Thanks.
You can leave it out and just add more maple syrup or coconut sugar if you feel you need to, to taste.
Could these be made in an oven instead? These look so yum!
Yes, for sure!
Hi Jo
Is there any way of making these without the almonds?
You could use pepita meal or a nut meal other than almonds if you like?
Hi Jo,
These look delicious and I would love to try making them. I only have metal dariole molds at home, no silicon. Can these be put into the varoma?
I don’t have a thermomix but would still like to try this delicious looking recipe. Can you give instructions for a conventional oven please?
Hi Ann, I haven’t worked out cooking times for these in the oven but it would definitely be worth a try as I think they would still work fine (more of a cup cake texture than a pudding would result if baking them). You might also like to try my grain free cupcakes: https://quirkycooking.com.au/2019/07/vanilla-cupcakes-with-chocolate-ganache/