Hi everyone, I’m so excited to share with you our brand new podcast, “A Quirky Journey”!!!
You can download and listen to it here on The Wellness Couch, or on iTunes.
How and why did this podcast come about? Here’s the story in a nutshell – you can hear it in more detail on the podcast…
Our family had some serious health problems crop up in the past year, particularly with our son Isaac, and we decided to begin the GAPS diet (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) to try to heal the underlying gut issues. I was introduced to a lovely lady who had been on a similar journey for the past few years, Leah Follett, in the hopes that she could give me a bit of help and encouragement. Leah is a health coach, and she offered to coach our family through the practical, everyday changes we needed to make to get on the road to healing.
When you bare your heart to someone who understands and has been where you are, and you share your struggles with them, you very soon become close friends. As Leah says in the podcast, after our first phone call it was like ‘instant BFFs’! Leah and I found we both have the same aim in life – to view our trials as lessons that we need to learn so that we can help others who are going through similar struggles. My 17 year old daughter said to me when I was in tears one day, “Mum, I just read this quote that is perfect for you – “Your most effective ministry will come out of your deepest hurts.” And I know she’s right.
So Leah and I began this podcast in the hopes that it will be helpful to all of you out there that need some encouragement in your own journeys to good health. Maybe you are really confused by trying to navigate through the maze of ‘healthy eating’, and are hoping for some guidance. Maybe you want to know more about the healing power of food, and how we can change so much just by changing the way we eat. Or maybe you already know what you need to do, but you just want to be part of a ‘tribe’ that understands. It really does help to know that there are others out there on the same journey, and that you CAN do it!
Whatever the reasons, we’d love for you to join us and we look forward to sharing our stories with you. The beauty of a podcast is that it’s like having your own health coach in your pocket that you can listen to at any time, whenever you feel the need for encouragement. Or maybe just the need for a bit of a laugh with a couple of crazy friends. It’s completely free, so listen in, pass them on to your family and friends, and share the love!
“A Quirky Journey” will be released every Friday morning at about 10am, on The Wellness Couch channel. In our first podcast, we talk about our food journeys, and a bit about the ups and downs that brought us to the place we are now. We go into more detail about our stories in later podcasts. Here’s a quick overview of our first podcast:
“Why sometimes wholefood isn’t enough”
– The story behind the podcast
– Our personal health stories, and why we decided we needed to focus on healing the gut
– Finding others who understand
– The importance of encouragement; finding a support team
– Finding the direction you need to go
– Why sometimes wholefood isn’t enough
– What causes gut issues
– What is a health coach and what are the benefits of having one
– Good health is not just about good food – finding the balance
– Assumptions we make about a healthy diet
– What about the food pyramid and counting calories?
– Peer pressure
– How to make sustainable change
– Getting the family on the same page
– Action: Make one change and nail it!
To listen to A Quirky Journey – Episode 1, click here!
If you’d like to know more about GAPS, or would like to find a qualified GAPS practitioner or some GAPS recipes, visit the GAPS Australia website.
We’d love to hear your feedback about our podcasts, and we also would love to try and answer your questions, so feel free to post them here or on our Facebook pages.
My Facebook page: Quirky Cooking
Leah’s blog: Akesis Balance and Facebook page: Akesis Balance on Facebook
Next week… A Quirky Christmas: How to Survive and Thrive This Season!
Don’t miss it!
I’v just started a Paleo way of life and I love your recipes. When are you going to do more Paleo recipes ?
Does your Quirky Cookery Book have lots of Paleo recipes ?
Also, does your cook book come with Thermomix and non Thermomix instructions ?