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Dairy Free Dulce de Leche

Dairy Free Dulce De Leche - Quirky Cooking

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coconut milk or cream (450g)

100g organic pure maple syrup

1/8 tsp bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)

1/2 tsp vanilla powder

1/4 tsp fine sea salt


1. Measure 450g of the coconut cream/milk back into the Thermomix bowl.

2. Add other ingredients to the bowl and cook 60 min/100°C/speed 3.5, placing the simmering basket instead of the measuring cup onto the mixing bowl lid, to let steam out.

3. Check to see mixture has thickened and darkened in colour. It should be about the thickness of honey – it will thicken further in the fridge.

4. If not thick enough, cook another 30 mins and check again. Repeat if necessary.


Remember, the thicker the milk or cream, the more dulce de leche you’ll end up with. ‘Lite’ milk will evaporate away to almost nothing.

Try a different sweetener – honey, yacon syrup, rice malt syrup, rapadura, coconut sugar… different sweeteners will result in different colours, but they should all work fine. Adjust the amount to taste.

If you can’t have coconut, you could use other dairy-free creams/milk, but make sure they’re thick and creamy enough that you’ll get a nice thick result, or just cook for longer if needed.